Hello my name is Veronika, welcome to my webpage. Here you will learn about the projects I have created throughout the school year in Apollo. This program allows me to create projects based on my interests like Trisomy-21 (Down Syndrome), immigration of my family, 2016 elections, and creating Concerto Music Academy. Feel free to browse my page and learn more about what I have created. The links will bring you an overview of my projects so that you could see it depth. If you want to know what interests me, and how in Apollo I can use my full potentials to explore and learn about my passions go ahead and get started.
Trisomy-21 also known as Down Syndrome is a genetic disorder where there are three copies of chromosome 21 instead of two. This condition affects 6,000 individuals born in America each year. These individuals aren't much different than us despite some physical features, they are unique in many ways and full of character. I created a project about Trisomy-21 because many children with disabilities have inspired me to become passionate about their differences and taught me a lot along the way.
Trip To America
Election 2016
Concerto Music Academy
I always loved to help people not looking at their differences. For my 4th project i decided to see for myself how starting a non-profit organization would be. Concerto Music Academy, a therapeutic music academy that would give lessons to children of all ages and differences, was my final decision when deciding what I wanted to start. To see how everything went and how i tried to start my own non-profit organization you can go check it out with the linked page.