It all started with an honest question.
When coming up with a project idea, I asked myself an important question,"What makes me feel more, seeing someone with everything and wishing I could have everything or seeing someone with nothing and wishing that I could give them everything?" This question required much thought taking into consideration all the hopes I have for my life. For me, I decided that compassion is a major part of my life, giving to others is what I love and what I was made for. I decided to take this passion I had and bring it to help others in the world around me. I got the idea to create a nonprofit for teens who suffer, by a teen who has suffered.
It all starts with a name. Something catchy, something meaningful, something people can relate to. I named my nonprofit YouForMe. This relates back to my whole meaning of teens helping out other teens to help each other.
Logo Creation
This logo was created in a multitude of ways. I hand drew the font, creating the YouForMe word format. I then created a collage of paint samples that I took a picture of to place underneath the logo I drew once I created it digitally.
Documented Process
I started with a picture of the sky. I wanted to use this as the background of my logo. As I talked with Mr. Grandi, our Apollo art teacher, we discussed that the logo should be something more defined. The sky is always changing and is not something that people can connect with my logo. By choosing paint samples I was able to recreate the colors and patterns of the sky but with something more concrete. I now had defined colors. These photos show the process I went through to get the logo that I ended up with. It was a time of experimentation and enjoyment for me.
Social Media Aspect
For my social studies portion, I took a look at many different social media platforms. I researched the stories behind the creation of these social medias. I wanted to know the purpose behind the social media so I could use them to promote and share things for my nonprofit along my process of creation. In order to show my research and ideas, I photoshopped a Facebook page into my research and ideas.
Teens are frequently refreshing their feed, posting videos, boomerangs, collages, direct messages and even stories now. Instagram provides so many options to get connected with other people. I think sharing out through Instagram could touch people of the age group I am trying to reach. More and more organizations are getting on Instagram as a way to be discovered. I think this is a way I could be discovered while also leaving an impact with the photos and captions I choose.
Teens are into trends. Trends start from seeing what other people are doing and finding interest in this. Twitter gives this opportunity to share about yourself in a way that people can see. It gives teens a way to connect with their interests.
Generations can connect through differences and things that they post on Facebook. I can get connected to people about how to support my nonprofit and events. Other nonprofits and organizations can find and contact me through Facebook. I can connect people to my events.
Pinterest will help me share mental health techniques made by other professionals. It is easy to share out these ideas on other forms of social media. People will be able to connect back to ideas I post when they are having a rough night or day. Parents can also look at my pins to try to help their children.
Teens have found comfort in this idea. They can anonymously post their feelings on the internet in a split second. I plan to use this to my advantage to learn what other teens are going through and to use this as a space to help them. I will only be posting positive media out and will have the ability for people to message me privately through my nonprofit account.
People can listen to music without being limited to how much it costs. It’s a system where people can listen to music anytime, anywhere. I can create an endless amount of playlists and connect with playlists other users have made.
Teens are frequently refreshing their feed, posting videos, boomerangs, collages, direct messages and even stories now. Instagram provides so many options to get connected with other people. I think sharing out through Instagram could touch people of the age group I am trying to reach. More and more organizations are getting on Instagram as a way to be discovered. I think this is a way I could be discovered while also leaving an impact with the photos and captions I choose.
Teens are into trends. Trends start from seeing what other people are doing and finding interest in this. Twitter gives this opportunity to share about yourself in a way that people can see. It gives teens a way to connect with their interests.
Generations can connect through differences and things that they post on Facebook. I can get connected to people about how to support my nonprofit and events. Other nonprofits and organizations can find and contact me through Facebook. I can connect people to my events.
Pinterest will help me share mental health techniques made by other professionals. It is easy to share out these ideas on other forms of social media. People will be able to connect back to ideas I post when they are having a rough night or day. Parents can also look at my pins to try to help their children.
Teens have found comfort in this idea. They can anonymously post their feelings on the internet in a split second. I plan to use this to my advantage to learn what other teens are going through and to use this as a space to help them. I will only be posting positive media out and will have the ability for people to message me privately through my nonprofit account.
People can listen to music without being limited to how much it costs. It’s a system where people can listen to music anytime, anywhere. I can create an endless amount of playlists and connect with playlists other users have made.
Blog Posts
For the English part of my project, I created a series of Blog posts. I created a website page for my nonprofit. On the website page, my blog posts are there. As of right now, I am not making this website live to the public. I plan on doing this very soon. Stay tuned to see my link for this website by Decmber, 2016. These blog posts are words of advice and strength for teenagers to read, to be inspired and to also leave their feedback. Other people can contact me through this website about having their work featured on my blog. Each of these blog posts connects to a picture of the sky that I took. I did this to show that the sky is something that makes the world bigger and gives something people can see a bigger purpose in. Essentially, this is the purpose of my blog posts.
My Experience
For this project, I focused on my passion for helping others. I wanted to start by creating my impact on the world. I wanted to defy the rules that young people can't change the world. I saw this as a beautiful opportunity for me to change the world and people around me. I am going to keep with this nonprofit and see it become a success story that saves lives. I had fun working with my passion. I also got to incorporate design into my project. This is another one of my passions. I loved impacting others in this project through my own passions. I hope I can inspire others to do the same.