For my first project I decided to focus on the aspects of love and fear in European countries. Doing this led me to a plethora of information about not only European history, but information that really grabbed my attention. It lead to the creation of my project, for my project I managed to tie together art, english, and social studies all under european love and fear. In reflection I found my success in my project strings from communication with the three teachers, and I'm really happy I had an opportunity to better myself, and grow as an individual.
For my art portion of my project I really wanted to focus on fear. So after figuring my social studies portion I decided to curate an art gallery based on paintings by famous painter Antoine-Jean Gros a frenchmen alive during the early 1800s. Gros was notorious for uncensored paintings that truly described how things actually happened. He did many paintings on French leader Napoleon Boneparte. In these paintings he portrayed Napoleon in a very interesting way. I based my project off of that perspective, and at the end I actually evaluated another perspective as well.
Social Studies
Social studies was the foundation for my project, and for this aspect I put together a nice whiteboard video about two French figures. During the early days of the project I was struggling to figure out what I wanted to do, and how I would incorporate art, english, and social studies into this big project. So I sat down with my Social Studies teacher, and he gave me a list of european figures that had some impact. After some searching I found my first candidate Joan of Arc. After hours of research I actually found my second candidate Napoleon Boneparte. Even more hours of research and collaboration later I decided to do a unique approach at the history of these two individuals. With all this info I decided to break down both individuals into three separate adjectives in order to illustrate how similar yet different these two french figures were.
For my English portion I ran into some troubles. I was constantly flip flopping idea's until one day I sat down with the English teacher Mr. Ward, and he showed me what now is the foundation of my english portion. He showed me a play by Shakespeare called "Julius Caesar", and after he showed it to me I was entranced. Fully immersed in this play. But, what ended up really grabbing my attention was Brutus vs Antony, and their use of rhetoric. More so Antony than Brutus, but even Brutus delivered an excellent speech. After reading the play a few times I came up with a question. In modern english would the use of rhetoric still hold firm? So after doing a in-depth analysis of Brutus vs Antony I would create a new Brutus vs Antony in modern english while still paying homage to the original piece. Overall I feel that I not only do I have a better understanding of old english, but an understanding of rhetoric.
Brutus vs Antony Reimagined |
Citizens Come on! You can’t leave us like this! Come on!
BRUTUS Calm down everyone. Calm down all questions will be answered.
Don’t worry rest assured. Listen up and listen well.
For then and only then will you understand the necessity of Caesar’s death.
But people that associate themselves with Cassius need to leave.
They aren’t ready to handle the truth just yet.
Those with open minds stay. Because today's the day we debunk any,
Misconceptions about Caesar’s death.
First Ok Brutus. Go on then.
Second Well let’s not get too hasty. Let’s hear them both out and go from there.
Exit CASSIUS, with some of the Citizens.
BRUTUS goes into the pulpit.
Third Hey! Brutus is starting. Shut your mouths!
BRUTUS Come on guys relax we’re all family here.
Rest awhile while I shed some light on all this madness.
And trust me it is madness but trust me to guide you through it all.
All the lies misconceptions and twists will be thrown away.
I value each and everyone of you and you value me.
Let’s face the facts together. For together we are strong.
But first off let me say that personally I liked Caesar. He was a great guy!
Always looking forward. Ambitious.
But it had to be done because at the end of the day Rome is,
bigger than Caesar.
As much as it saddens me it was for the greater good.
Because as great of a guy he was he was too ambitious.
We could go on all day about the great Caesar did but,
His aspirations were more than questionable.
Anyone who’s so questionable in their ambitions towards our great country,
Is honestly a threat to the country we all love.
In fact if any of you here have a problem with what i'm saying step forward,
Please rise against your brothers of Rome. I dare you. Anyone?
All Of course not!
BRUTUS Good because all I’ve done nothing to disgrace Caesar’s name.
All i’ve said is that his ambition was a threat to all of Rome and the
Citizens that call Rome home.
Enter ANTONY and others with CAESAR’s body.
Oh here comes Mark Antony with Caesar’s body.
It’s funny how a man with no hardships will reap the
Benefit of Caesar’s death.
But back to the topic at hand.
What happened to Caesar wasn’t Malicious or even ill harbored,
No what we did to Caesar was self defense.
Self defense for the people of Rome.
If I was in the his spot I would have gladly given my life to Rome,
The country I love so.
But until that day I stand before all of you serving my country until
My story comes to a close.
All Long live Brutus!
First Wow Brutus is such a great guy! We have to compensate him somehow!
Second Let’s build him a statue!
Third Let’s make Brutus the new Caesar!
Fourth Brutus will be the best Caesar!
First Let’s take him to the palace!
BRUTUS Romans!
Second Quiet, Brutus is about to speak!
First Shhhh!
BRUTUS My fellow Romans stay awhile if you would.
Stay with Antony for a bit,
We allowed him to honor his fallen friend so please listen!
Respect his words and give him your ears.
Do it for your pal Brutus.
First Of course! Let Mark Antony speak!
Third Come on Antony! Step up!
ANTONY Ok ok. I will take the stand. Not for me, but for Brutus.
Fourth Brutus?
Third For Brutus?
Fourth He better not starting talking reckless about Brutus.
First Yeah! Caesar was a dictator, and should be treated as such!
Third That’s for sure!
Second Hey now calm down. Let’s hear what Antony’s got to say.
ANTONY Brothers!
Citizens Hey! Antony’s talking!
ANTONY My brothers listen close,
I’m not here to praise the dead. I’m here to bury Caesar.
I absolutely acknowledge Caesar’s faults.
Even a great guy like Brutus says he was too ambitious,
And Brutus is a great guy.
Hell all of them are. Great guys.
I’m here to bury Caesar simple as that.
He always treated me well and never took advantage of me.
Brutus says he was way too ambitious,
And we all know Brutus is a great guy.
He’s done so much good for Rome and I Antony acknowledge this.
He’s a great guy, and he says Caesar was ambitious.
But, I remember a time when the poor cried,
And poor Caesar balled his eyes out.
That’s ambitious? I always figured ambition was a trait of tyrants,
And yet it was Caesar who cried the hardest as the poor suffered.
But hey Brutus says he’s ambitious and Brutus is a great guy.
Then Caesar again when he was given many opportunities,
To royally screw you guys over.
Did he take it?
No, he didn't.
Is that ambitious?
Brutus sure thinks so.
And Brutus is a great guy.
And of course everything he says is always true,
Because he’s simply just a great guy!
I’m not here to disrupt that either.
All I know is what I know and that’s what i’m here to talk about.
In fact didn’t you all think Caesar was a great guy too?
I’m pretty sure you did.
So what they hell changed?
I mean why are things so cruel?
ANTONY is flustered
ANTONY My apologies.
This has been rough for me ya know?
I’m sorry I need a moment.
First You know what he’s saying makes a lot of sense.
Second But Caesar was a tyrant. Right?
Third You sure sound convinced.
Fourth Can you blame him? You can’t help but think about the so called ambition,
Citizen Brutus claimed he had.
First You think Anthony is telling the truth?
Second Did you see him man? He’s a mess. Poor guy.
Third Of course he’s telling the truth there’s nobody more honest than Antony.
Fourth Shhh! Here he comes.
ANTONY Just yesterday Caesar stood for Rome with more passion than anyone of you.
Yet, there he is.
Rome is the greatest country in the world,
And I know for a fact all the great citizens of Rome are all noble.
Noble and fair.
I know none of you are so disturbed that you can’t pay your respects.
But i'm not here to rile you up.
That’d be a disgrace to Brutus and Cassius.
I wouldn’t dream of tainting the words of such great men.
I’d rather throw myself to the dogs then to tarnish their great names.
In fact I can let Caesar speak for himself,
Because I have the last thing Caesar left behind.
His will.
But if I we’re to read this then well you’d be rushing his body,
To the holiest of holy places to honor this great man.
You’d weep tears of sadness and anguish,
Accompanied only by screams of regret.
All Read it Antony! Read us Caesar’s will!
ANTONY Relax my friends I can’t read it.
Caesar’s love for you was strong and vast.
And you all bare Caesar’s name as brothers of rome.
With that title you should know that if I were to read this will,
You all would be grabbing your swords and torches.
No good would come from riling you all up.
Fourth Please Antony! We must hear the will!
ANTONY I can’t my friends.
I fear it would disgrace of the great men who killed our dear Caesar,
And I fear that the great men who did this to Caesar,
Could easy point their dagger at me.
Fourth Those great men betrayed Rome!
All Read the will!
Second Those traitors killed Caesar!
ANTONY If you all insist for me to read it then I must comply.
All of make a ring around Caesar’s corpse, and let me read you this will.
Please allow me to descend.
Several Come down! Please, come down!
ANTONY comes down
Fourth Everyone make room! Form a ring around Antony!
ANTONY Everyone who’s shaken easily please grab your cloths
You all remember Caesar.
He always wore his beautiful mantle.
I remember when he first got it it.
He loved it dearly.
Now gaze upon the place where your dear Caesar was stabbed by Brutus.
A unholy sight if I do say so myself.
The blood of your dear leader sits stanning the mantle he loved so much.
Not as much as each and everyone one of you but love it he did.
You always expect to get screwed over by your enemies,
But you never expect to get screwed over by your fellow brothers in arms.
Especially by one who you love so dearly.
Caesar loved Brutus, and here lays his cold dead corpse,
Wronged by one he loved so much.
This kind of treachery I wouldn't wish on our worst enemies.
This cut runs deep not only in Caesar, but in the trust of every Roman.
We are brothers we are family yet here Caesar lays killed by Brutus.
All of you we’re not only robbed a leader but a great friend.
First Caesar!
Second Such an honorable leader!
Third Yay Caesar!
Fourth Brutus and his people they betrayed Caesar!
First Yes, they violated the leader of Rome!
Second Let’s march to their house and set it a blaze!
All Revenge!
ANTONY Brothers compose yourselves!
First Everyone Antony is speaking! Calm yourselves!
Second Just say the word!
ANTONY Romans sweet gentle Romans. Please level your heads.
We are civilized and we must act as such.
The ones that betray Caesar are great men.
I don’t know why they would commit such an atrocity,
But I’m sure those great men would be able to tell you why they did it.
I haven't come here to rile you up like Brutus had before me.
I’m just a simple guy who loved his dear friend,
And from the people’s request I was told to talk about him.
Even if I wanted to I couldn’t. I’m just Antony,
With a bit of truth. I showed you his wound, and the betrayal Brutus,
Committed to our dear Caesar.
It is not I who calls for retribution but the people’s voice who calls.
You are the people of Rome and all I say is that you’ve been wronged.
All Kill the traitors!
First We’ll go to Brutus’s home and burn it to the ground!
Third That goes for the rest of his group too!
ANTONY Listen my brothers please.
All Antony, thank you for opening our eyes!
Please do go on!
ANTONY Did you all really forget so easily about the blessing Caesar left?
The will which Caesar left you himself!
All Read us the will!
ANTONY From Caesar himself.
To every Roman Citizen I give you seventy-five drachmas.
Also, he grants you all access to his royal orchids so,
You can make many memories as he did.
I ask all of you has there ever been such a noble Caesar?
All Hell no!
First Oh great noble Caesar!
Citizen We must honor his remains and give him his proper burial!
Second Grab his body we will burn him in the holy place!
Exit Citizens with Caesar’s body
ANTONY We can leave the rest to the loyal citizens of Rome.
Enter Servant
Servant It seems Sir Octavius has arrived.
ANTONY Ah it seems that Brutus and Cassius will be absent from the meeting.
Servant It seems that way doesn't it.
BRUTUS Calm down everyone. Calm down all questions will be answered.
Don’t worry rest assured. Listen up and listen well.
For then and only then will you understand the necessity of Caesar’s death.
But people that associate themselves with Cassius need to leave.
They aren’t ready to handle the truth just yet.
Those with open minds stay. Because today's the day we debunk any,
Misconceptions about Caesar’s death.
First Ok Brutus. Go on then.
Second Well let’s not get too hasty. Let’s hear them both out and go from there.
Exit CASSIUS, with some of the Citizens.
BRUTUS goes into the pulpit.
Third Hey! Brutus is starting. Shut your mouths!
BRUTUS Come on guys relax we’re all family here.
Rest awhile while I shed some light on all this madness.
And trust me it is madness but trust me to guide you through it all.
All the lies misconceptions and twists will be thrown away.
I value each and everyone of you and you value me.
Let’s face the facts together. For together we are strong.
But first off let me say that personally I liked Caesar. He was a great guy!
Always looking forward. Ambitious.
But it had to be done because at the end of the day Rome is,
bigger than Caesar.
As much as it saddens me it was for the greater good.
Because as great of a guy he was he was too ambitious.
We could go on all day about the great Caesar did but,
His aspirations were more than questionable.
Anyone who’s so questionable in their ambitions towards our great country,
Is honestly a threat to the country we all love.
In fact if any of you here have a problem with what i'm saying step forward,
Please rise against your brothers of Rome. I dare you. Anyone?
All Of course not!
BRUTUS Good because all I’ve done nothing to disgrace Caesar’s name.
All i’ve said is that his ambition was a threat to all of Rome and the
Citizens that call Rome home.
Enter ANTONY and others with CAESAR’s body.
Oh here comes Mark Antony with Caesar’s body.
It’s funny how a man with no hardships will reap the
Benefit of Caesar’s death.
But back to the topic at hand.
What happened to Caesar wasn’t Malicious or even ill harbored,
No what we did to Caesar was self defense.
Self defense for the people of Rome.
If I was in the his spot I would have gladly given my life to Rome,
The country I love so.
But until that day I stand before all of you serving my country until
My story comes to a close.
All Long live Brutus!
First Wow Brutus is such a great guy! We have to compensate him somehow!
Second Let’s build him a statue!
Third Let’s make Brutus the new Caesar!
Fourth Brutus will be the best Caesar!
First Let’s take him to the palace!
BRUTUS Romans!
Second Quiet, Brutus is about to speak!
First Shhhh!
BRUTUS My fellow Romans stay awhile if you would.
Stay with Antony for a bit,
We allowed him to honor his fallen friend so please listen!
Respect his words and give him your ears.
Do it for your pal Brutus.
First Of course! Let Mark Antony speak!
Third Come on Antony! Step up!
ANTONY Ok ok. I will take the stand. Not for me, but for Brutus.
Fourth Brutus?
Third For Brutus?
Fourth He better not starting talking reckless about Brutus.
First Yeah! Caesar was a dictator, and should be treated as such!
Third That’s for sure!
Second Hey now calm down. Let’s hear what Antony’s got to say.
ANTONY Brothers!
Citizens Hey! Antony’s talking!
ANTONY My brothers listen close,
I’m not here to praise the dead. I’m here to bury Caesar.
I absolutely acknowledge Caesar’s faults.
Even a great guy like Brutus says he was too ambitious,
And Brutus is a great guy.
Hell all of them are. Great guys.
I’m here to bury Caesar simple as that.
He always treated me well and never took advantage of me.
Brutus says he was way too ambitious,
And we all know Brutus is a great guy.
He’s done so much good for Rome and I Antony acknowledge this.
He’s a great guy, and he says Caesar was ambitious.
But, I remember a time when the poor cried,
And poor Caesar balled his eyes out.
That’s ambitious? I always figured ambition was a trait of tyrants,
And yet it was Caesar who cried the hardest as the poor suffered.
But hey Brutus says he’s ambitious and Brutus is a great guy.
Then Caesar again when he was given many opportunities,
To royally screw you guys over.
Did he take it?
No, he didn't.
Is that ambitious?
Brutus sure thinks so.
And Brutus is a great guy.
And of course everything he says is always true,
Because he’s simply just a great guy!
I’m not here to disrupt that either.
All I know is what I know and that’s what i’m here to talk about.
In fact didn’t you all think Caesar was a great guy too?
I’m pretty sure you did.
So what they hell changed?
I mean why are things so cruel?
ANTONY is flustered
ANTONY My apologies.
This has been rough for me ya know?
I’m sorry I need a moment.
First You know what he’s saying makes a lot of sense.
Second But Caesar was a tyrant. Right?
Third You sure sound convinced.
Fourth Can you blame him? You can’t help but think about the so called ambition,
Citizen Brutus claimed he had.
First You think Anthony is telling the truth?
Second Did you see him man? He’s a mess. Poor guy.
Third Of course he’s telling the truth there’s nobody more honest than Antony.
Fourth Shhh! Here he comes.
ANTONY Just yesterday Caesar stood for Rome with more passion than anyone of you.
Yet, there he is.
Rome is the greatest country in the world,
And I know for a fact all the great citizens of Rome are all noble.
Noble and fair.
I know none of you are so disturbed that you can’t pay your respects.
But i'm not here to rile you up.
That’d be a disgrace to Brutus and Cassius.
I wouldn’t dream of tainting the words of such great men.
I’d rather throw myself to the dogs then to tarnish their great names.
In fact I can let Caesar speak for himself,
Because I have the last thing Caesar left behind.
His will.
But if I we’re to read this then well you’d be rushing his body,
To the holiest of holy places to honor this great man.
You’d weep tears of sadness and anguish,
Accompanied only by screams of regret.
All Read it Antony! Read us Caesar’s will!
ANTONY Relax my friends I can’t read it.
Caesar’s love for you was strong and vast.
And you all bare Caesar’s name as brothers of rome.
With that title you should know that if I were to read this will,
You all would be grabbing your swords and torches.
No good would come from riling you all up.
Fourth Please Antony! We must hear the will!
ANTONY I can’t my friends.
I fear it would disgrace of the great men who killed our dear Caesar,
And I fear that the great men who did this to Caesar,
Could easy point their dagger at me.
Fourth Those great men betrayed Rome!
All Read the will!
Second Those traitors killed Caesar!
ANTONY If you all insist for me to read it then I must comply.
All of make a ring around Caesar’s corpse, and let me read you this will.
Please allow me to descend.
Several Come down! Please, come down!
ANTONY comes down
Fourth Everyone make room! Form a ring around Antony!
ANTONY Everyone who’s shaken easily please grab your cloths
You all remember Caesar.
He always wore his beautiful mantle.
I remember when he first got it it.
He loved it dearly.
Now gaze upon the place where your dear Caesar was stabbed by Brutus.
A unholy sight if I do say so myself.
The blood of your dear leader sits stanning the mantle he loved so much.
Not as much as each and everyone one of you but love it he did.
You always expect to get screwed over by your enemies,
But you never expect to get screwed over by your fellow brothers in arms.
Especially by one who you love so dearly.
Caesar loved Brutus, and here lays his cold dead corpse,
Wronged by one he loved so much.
This kind of treachery I wouldn't wish on our worst enemies.
This cut runs deep not only in Caesar, but in the trust of every Roman.
We are brothers we are family yet here Caesar lays killed by Brutus.
All of you we’re not only robbed a leader but a great friend.
First Caesar!
Second Such an honorable leader!
Third Yay Caesar!
Fourth Brutus and his people they betrayed Caesar!
First Yes, they violated the leader of Rome!
Second Let’s march to their house and set it a blaze!
All Revenge!
ANTONY Brothers compose yourselves!
First Everyone Antony is speaking! Calm yourselves!
Second Just say the word!
ANTONY Romans sweet gentle Romans. Please level your heads.
We are civilized and we must act as such.
The ones that betray Caesar are great men.
I don’t know why they would commit such an atrocity,
But I’m sure those great men would be able to tell you why they did it.
I haven't come here to rile you up like Brutus had before me.
I’m just a simple guy who loved his dear friend,
And from the people’s request I was told to talk about him.
Even if I wanted to I couldn’t. I’m just Antony,
With a bit of truth. I showed you his wound, and the betrayal Brutus,
Committed to our dear Caesar.
It is not I who calls for retribution but the people’s voice who calls.
You are the people of Rome and all I say is that you’ve been wronged.
All Kill the traitors!
First We’ll go to Brutus’s home and burn it to the ground!
Third That goes for the rest of his group too!
ANTONY Listen my brothers please.
All Antony, thank you for opening our eyes!
Please do go on!
ANTONY Did you all really forget so easily about the blessing Caesar left?
The will which Caesar left you himself!
All Read us the will!
ANTONY From Caesar himself.
To every Roman Citizen I give you seventy-five drachmas.
Also, he grants you all access to his royal orchids so,
You can make many memories as he did.
I ask all of you has there ever been such a noble Caesar?
All Hell no!
First Oh great noble Caesar!
Citizen We must honor his remains and give him his proper burial!
Second Grab his body we will burn him in the holy place!
Exit Citizens with Caesar’s body
ANTONY We can leave the rest to the loyal citizens of Rome.
Enter Servant
Servant It seems Sir Octavius has arrived.
ANTONY Ah it seems that Brutus and Cassius will be absent from the meeting.
Servant It seems that way doesn't it.