My first project was on the process of coping with limb loss, guiding people through the stages an amputee goes through. Below you will find my project broken into three sections.
Coping with limb loss is a little different for everyone. Everyone goes through the same general process however some people take longer than others to cope. The stages people go through are usually as follows, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. Family plays an important role in the speed of recovery. It's important for the family to be supportive, but not too supportive. It's important for the person to feel like they are still able to still do things for themselves. The other thing that affects the speed of recovery is the quality of the prosthetic limb they get. Las technology has evolved so has the technology. It used to be that the most basic prosthetic hand would be a hook. As technology has advanced, prosthetic limbs are now made of lighter plastics and carbon fiber materials. Controlling prosthetic limbs has also evolved. Prosthetic limbs can be controlled by external cables attached to a different place in the body. For example cables can be attached to the shoulder, when that shoulder is moved in a certain way it controls different actions in the hand. Another method is to control the hand electronically through a series of motors. The motors can either be controlled by switches or buttons. When different combinations or switched the hand can perform different actions. The most advanced way to control a prosthetic limb is taking the muscles left in the residual stump, and connection those muscles to somewhere else in the body. With this system the amputee can actually control movement in the arm, making like they never lost a limb in the first place. The only downside to this is that all of these limbs can be very expensive, costing tens of thousands of dollars.
The war after the war:
Where did that screw go Lost in a battlefield of parts and pieces I just had it It was just here It can't be gone You have to be kidding me How am I supposed to finish this without this screw It's like trying to grab a can something without thumbs. What a waste I was stupid to think I could do this in the first place I'm done with this Why out of all days does this a happen to me Maybe if I come back to it I'll find the screw Maybe I What's the point I'll never finish this Without the screw it will be incomplete Like a gun without a trigger I should just give up now I don't even know what I'm doing anymore Maybe I don't need the screw The screw is a small part to a bigger picture The table can stand without that screw |