Persistence Through Divorce
With this project, I focused on my experience with divorce. I compared where I was in sixth grade when my parents had gotten divorced, to where I am now, in twelfth grade, six years later. My emotions were expressed through research, poetry and music.
Historical Aspect
I decided to research some statistics and facts about divorce and contextualize to relate it to my own experience.
Then and Now
In August of my sixth grade year, my parents decided to split up and by January, the divorce was final. I wrote this poem that April, to represent how I was feeling and what divorce was to me.
Six grades later, as I'm now in twelfth grade, I decided to write a new and more thoughtful poem about divorce. Through the process of writing and perfecting my poem, I continually revised it and ended up with six different versions.
Broken Vessels by HillsongCindy Gabriella's review on the song- " We are broken, shattered into pieces, yet our God who is whole and mighty, takes us in His hands and molds us."
When we are broken and falling apart, God is right there to pick us up and mend us back together. I chose to record an acoustic version of the song because the mood I was looking for was retrospective and with acoustic it's void of all the distractions of a full set, allowing you to step back and reflect on yourself.
Corinthians in the Clouds
When I was a child, I carelessly jumped into the sandbox in my Sunday morning dress. I rolled around and threw the sand in the air without a worry to bear. I climbed out of the sand and watched the clouds as they slowly began to form. Above me, one of the clouds looked like a window, another like a ball. The clouds collided and the window shattered into smaller clouds which drifted into other, bigger ones followed by more clouds flooding the sky. Though today the clouds are gone, I lay and reminisce on what once was in the sky. A new light shines down and I've put the ways of childhood behind me. - Abigail Timperio |