It's A Jeep Thing, You Wouldn't Understand.English/History
To start off, I interviewed two people for a portion of my English part. I interviewed Mike Cashman of Mount Zion Offroad and Brad Gates of Vintage Jeep Specialities. Brad gave me a cool old toy metal Jeep as a gift at the end of our interview. After I was done interviewing people, I came back and focused on developing something for history and english. So, I created an essay that intertwines the two. I talk about my personal experience and growing up around cars for my English part, and for my history part I talk about the early history of Jeep and the theories that came along with it. Art For my art portion, I wanted an abnormal surface that wasn't a canvas from the local art store. So, I began looking on craigslist for some form of part off of a Jeep that would make a great canvas, like a door, fender, or hood. I was able to find a Jeep CJ7 hood and grille located over an hour away in Peach Bottom, PA. After a few days going back and fourth with the guy, I was able to knock him down on his price. My parents went down to Maryland one day to pick up parts for my dads truck so he did me a huge favor and stopped over and grabbed me the hood. Once I got the hood, I sanded it down and primed it with auto primer. I then took a sketch I made of the transition of a Jeep and put it on a projector to enlarge the image and trace it onto a piece of paper that fit perfectly over my hood. I placed graphite transfer paper between the hood and paper and transferred my design right onto it. I sprayed it with a fixative to keep my line work in place. I then went at it with some acrylic paint. |
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